Text Box: A Note From The Director….
Text Box: Volume II, Issue V
Text Box: FALL 2004
If you were able to watch some of the 2004 Olympics, you may have seen a commercial for Nationwide Insurance where a young woman is sitting at the end of a swimming pool reading a magazine and a young man walks up to the far end of the pool.  The young woman looks rather interested in him as he dives into the pool and swims towards her.  As he exits the pool in front of the young woman, the viewer realizes that he has aged about 40 years.  Then a voice says, “Life comes at you fast, be prepared….”

That is how this entire summer has seemed.  Not that I have aged 40 years, but just that the time has passed so quickly.  By the time you receive this, school will have started again for me.  (This will be my 35th year.) In less than 60 months, Lord willing, I will be retiring.  It sounds like such a short time.

I remember as a kid growing up how adults used to lament about the shortness of life.  Now my experiences concur with theirs...life is too short to accomplish all that we would like.  However, we must simply do the best we can and leave the rest up to Him.

Already plans are underway for next year’s camp!  We only have 11 more meetings before NWCCD #32 arrives.  So much to do, but praise the Lord, we have such a wonderful staff.  This year’s camp was wonderful.  Be sure and read the article relating to camp.


Patterned Language is alive and well.  A couple of out-of-country trips are planned before next summer.  Those using PL continue to say how wonderful it is in teaching Deaf students proper sentence structure.  We are working toward a computerized PL program.  The lack of time seems to be the biggest culprit, but we believe that in God’s timing it will be done.


Please pray with us in these two areas of ministry: NWCCD and PL.  Thank you for your prayers and continued financial support. 


God bless you and your faithfulness.


Bill Pyne

Executive Director




The 31st Northwest Christian Camp for the Deaf (NWCCD) has added another year of fun and ministry to the Deaf and their families.  More than 160 were at this year’s camp.  I am told by folks who travel the country in Deaf ministry that the strength of this camp is evidenced in its longevity.  I believe another of its strengths is the joining together of so many churches serving the Deaf.  The camp serves people from the Western states and Canada and at times includes folks from the Midwest and several other states.

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